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You are viewing all comments posted under New York.

Monument Wall

This is a monument to those humans and animals, past and present, that have served our country, or have supported those who defend it.

This page lists the Tributes uploaded by our visitors. You can add one, too!

The Map Page shows you where the tributes are from, where centers are located, and other points of interest.

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Comments for New York

Vincent on 4/25/2016 at 22:34 says:
My Dad From Kasserine Pass To Sicily Tehe Big Red 1
Sarina Gross on 7/8/2012 at 14:55 says:

If it were not for the sacrifices of our brave soldiers, we could not enjoy the freedoms that we do. When you see a soldier, thank them!

Dayna DeCarlo on 7/4/2012 at 07:15 says:

For those hero's serving or served our country and providing them with this unique and useful service, it's wonderful. I've had relatives serve in every war (except WWI) from the Revolutionary War to the Afghanistan War and I know the effect it had on them all in different ways, emotionally and physically. Thank You Elizabeth for starting and providing this to the hero's in need. And to the animals who are out there serving as well!

WOW! Sonce the Revolutionary War??!! Now THAT's commitment!

- All Glory Project

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